Monday, March 1, 2010

A march in downton Edmonton

Here is an article of the people from Fort Chipewyan doing a march down Jasper to Crowne Plaza. The are trying to get the word out on what is going on in Fort Chipewyan. Last year 20 people died from cancer related deaths and the popution of Fort Chip is only 1200. That is a very high number for such a small community. There are about 200 activists who did this march and are wanting to slow down oilsands development. These people are also worried about the future of their children and grandchildren and what will be left of the land in that area once or if the oil industry slows down.


  1. If ever there is a walk again I would love to join and help. The unfortunate things that are happening need to be heard and events such as this are positive steps to getting the word out. There is way too much being swept under the table by the government.

  2. Dawn I completely agree with your the government needs to stop being so lackadaisical and start finding ways to prevent these problems. Its completely awful that so many people let alone any people have had to die and the government still isn't dealing with these major problems. I really hope that what these people are doing really says something to the government and pushes them to change what is happening due to the oil sands. I also hope that everybody keeps up these rallies and marches because eventually the government will see the damage this is causing.

  3. Hopefully the march got them some much needed media attention. This way they can use public support to leverage more of a response out of the government. It is despicable though that our government has not done action on their own. I would hope that they are responsible enough that they would have done something sooner. I think Canadians have to become more involved in politics so that our leaders stop thinking they can get away with stuff like this.
