Saturday, March 6, 2010

Article about Dr. John O'connor

Hello everyone! Here is an awesome article I found about the doctor that brought Fort Chips health problems to light. Dr. John O'Connor returned to Fort Chip to deliver a speech and was welcomed with a hero status. His courageous efforts to help them got him ostracized and investigated. Without him, their story might have been swept under the rug. I feel that without his selflessness the problems would've been kept under the radar by 'officials' that are supposed to be the ones to blow the whistle on such situations.


  1. I give this doctor a lot of props he went through a lot to help the people of Fort Chip. Without him doing all of his research and speeches this problem could have gone way longer without anybody recognizing the damage the oil sands were causing, and the regulations that should be laid down to help prevent these things from happening. He should be treated like a hero for everything he has done. I honestly hope that government officials recognize all the damage the oil sands are causing.

  2. I have no doubt that his name will be legen to the people in Fort Chip. I feel proud even though I did not do the job. What a honest guy he is. The government is probably mad to see him causing them problem. Shame on them. However, I am worried that he has to face with a lot of troubles with governemnt as he go against with government. The government might play media work showing us false information about Dr. John O'Connor later on, but I will not fall onto it though. And I am sure the government will not recognize the damage, dpederson6, because as we know, oil sand gives a lot of money.
