Friday, March 19, 2010

Fort Chipewyan cancer study Responses

When searching up cancer cases present in Fort Chipewyan I found these two articles that stood out to me.
First we have one that is pretty much from Alberta health's point of view posted right below. They are trying to re-assure the people that the numbers are not as high as they have been reported to be, to keep calm, and that the cause is still undetermined.

Next then we have one from Fort Chipewyan First Nations who argue that they cannot trust the study since "the local community's health board and health professionals weren't asked for their input on the study" (quote from the article link below).

After reading both articles I find myself agreeing with the people of Fort Chipewyan since regulation of the oil sands has been an issue for a couple of years now and nothing has been done. Instead it has been business as they have seen fit. On the other hand I also feel sorry for the Alberta health care people since they are cleaning up someone else mess. I just hope that they can prove that it is the oils ands fault so some sort of reimbursement can take place to help those families cope.


  1. Great blog! Ft. Chip and the community's elevated cancer rates are an important topic that often does not get the attention it deserves. I'm part of a student group called Stand With Fort Chipewyan. If you want to help put some pressure on the government, send an online letter (you can see it here: through our website. It's simple, quick and addresses the major flaws in the government's position not to probe further. Just click the link: (wait until 3:30 P.M. today, as our web host is doing some maintenance work and the server will be down for a bit).

  2. Hello Avnish!! It's so exciting to have someone comment on our blog as it was a project for our Communications class at NAIT. The topic we chose is definitely not an issue I take lightly and would be glad to help out in any way. I've visited your site and am very thankful for what you're trying to accomplish for the people of Fort Chip. Thank you so much for your input on our blog!!
